
Essence of Materia Medica – page 35

ladonna, Nux moschata, and Natrum mur.
Bryonia often has an afternoon time aggravation—around 3 01 4 or even 7 p.m. Most characteristic, though is a 9 p.m. aggra¬vation lasting until sleep. This can be a strong confirmatory symp¬tom for Bryonia whenever it is present, just as 9 a.m. aggravation can suggest Chamomilla.
There are not many strong symptoms in Bryonia regarding desires and aversions. Many times there may be a desire for oysters, but that is all. As mentioned, warm drinks ameliorate the stomach troubles.
Bryonia patients suffer from vertigo, especially on turning the head to look backward. Turning in bed also creates vertigo, as one might expect. Usually Bryonia patients want to lie on the left side and are aggravated by lying on the right side.
Bryonia is a remedy which is slow to develop in its pathology and slow in its action once given. In chronic Bryonia cases, you will see a long history of gradual development—say, over a period of five years. In arthritis, first one joint will be mildly affected, then another. B.y contrast, arthritic pains in Formica rupha erupt dramatically in several joints at once. Over the year, though, the inflammations increase in number and intensity until the patient becomes a total wreck—and even full of anxiety and restlessness because of the intensity of the pains. At this point Bryonia can be confused with Rhus tox because the rheumatic pains are ame¬liorated by warmth (congestive pains in Bryonia are ameliorated by cold).
Acute Bryonia cases develop over a period of days. Perhaps there is nn exposure to cold, but few symptoms occur for the first few days. A fever may appear by the third day or so, and then a full¬blown illness is apparent by the fourth day. This same progress is true uf Gelsenium. By contrast, Belladonna or Aconite erupt like volcanoes in their symptomatology.
Once you have seen an acute Bryonia case you are not likely to forget it. I remember the first acute case I ever treated—a man with bronchitis. I visited him in his home, where he lived with another single man. As I entered his room, he was sitting on the bed facing the wall, his back turned to me. I asked "How are you? How do you feel?" He would not answer me, nor would