
Essence of Materia Medica – page 32

BRYONIA (bry.)
The descriptions which characterise Bryonia are LONELINESS and INSECURITY. Bryonia patients are witdrawn into themselves, purposely isolated from social contact. Always in the background is a deep feeling of insecurity, a sense of vulnerability and weak-ness. It is this that leads them to seek isolation. They do not want to be intruded upon, and they are quite content to live alone.
Bryonia patients are very sensitive to any intrusions; they are quick to feel irritability, anger and resentment. Inside, they feel great unhappiness and despondency. Especially during acute ail-ments, they feel dull in the mind and despondency on the emo-tional level. They do not want to show this however. They just want to be left alone.
The most well-known major keynote of Bryonia, of course, is AGGRAVATION FROM ANY MOTION, applies on all three levels. The mind is dull; it cannot take any exertion at all, even that of the simplest conversation. In acute conditions, this dull-ness of mind is a very prominent characteristic which must be emphasised. Emotionally, any imposition—even consolation or well-meaning attempt to help—is met with immediate irritation and resentment. And of course the physical body suffers from every motion. The Bryonia patient wants to lie perfectly still in a dark room, being left completely alone. Even turning on a light will set up a reaction because even the very slight movement of the iris will cause an aggravation; the Bryonia patient cannot even take that!
A Bryonia man who is suffering from the flu will isolate himself, turn out the light, and lie in bed without the slightest move¬ment. If his wife quietly slip into the room and asks if he wants some warm tea, he will feel irritated by even this question, in spite of its loving intent. He will automatically and emphatically say "No!" If she persists and brings the tea anyway, he may drink it and feel ameliorated, because Bryonia is very thristy. In spite of this thirst, however, his initial response will usually be neg¬ative because he doesn’t want to be bothered by anything.