
Essence of Materia Medica – page 29

at a bargain. It is a perfect sized house, located in a very nice area, and the price is the only one quarter of the usual market value for such houses. The husband asks,"What do you think?" The wife realises that this is the moment for a decision: they have saved their money, but now she is afraid of the magnitude of th decision. So she says "Yes, but that mountain nearby is so big; it may cut off the air! And there is dirt on the porch". She has no ability to put things in their correct perspective, so she cannot come to a decision. It is like asking a child to make the decision on buying a house. Whenever irresolution is the major expres-sion on the mental level, Bartya carb. is one; of the main reme¬dies to consider.
Because the mind is so simple in Bartya carb. they do not have the burden of over-intellectualisation. Often they can be quite receptive and accurate in an intuitive way. Upon meeting some¬one, they will immediately intuit whether that person is good or bad, and they will often be right. Even so, their judgement will be quite complex. They are not really capable of very subtle or refined impressions.
Bartya carb. is a remedy which can be indicated in old arterio¬sclerotic people whose minds have deteriorated in a specific way. These are old people who play with dolls, or tie ribbons in their hair—childish behaviour. In such people, Bartya carb. may well bring them back to their normal selves for another two or three years until the inevitable decline overtakes them.
Bartya carb. and Baryta mur. are often indicated in mononucle¬osis, when the glands have become swollen and very hard.
Generally, Bartya carb. patient are chilly. They often have an aver¬sion to sweets. Baryta carb. is one of only three remedies which have an aversion to fruits, and especially to plums.
A peculiar symptom which might lead you to Baryta carb. is the sensation that they are inhaling smoke when in fact the air is clean.