
Essence of Materia Medica – page 26

Baryta carb. is a remedy which can be prescribed at all stages of life—childhood, adulthood, old age—but it is most commonly indicated in children. This remedy brings aid to scrofulous chil-dren, especially if they are backward physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop.
The dwarfishness is seen not only on the physical level but on the emotional and mental levels as well.
By dwarfishness we do not mean that Baryta carb. is routinely prescribed for people who are short in stature, or for actual dwarfs. It is not indicated in people with quick intelligence and strong vitality. Baryta carb. dwarfishness on the physical plane refers more specifically to conditions in which specific organs have not fully developed, especially the genitalia. The testes and penis may be very small and relaxed. Or the uterus may remain child sized even into adulthood. Delayed development in general is a strong element in Baryta carb.
The appearance of Baryta carb. children is quite distinct. They are not fat, but they may have enlarged bellies with an otherwise marasmic appearance—like Calcarea carb. The skin is not fresh, as it is in most children; it appears older, as if it is about to become wrinkled. The glands may be swollen, and especially the tonsils may swell to such an extent that it interferes with the child’s appe-tite. Because of this adenoidal and tonsillar swelling, the child may breathe through his mouth, which adds to the generally "stupid" look on his face. Baryta carb. children have a very ser-ious look on their faces. There is an unintelligent seriousness to their mind. They lack brilliance, so they appear as if they are always trying to figure out what is happening. It is as if the mind is completely vacant.
These children are very shy. In the interview, a Baryta carb. girl will hide behind the chair and cling to her mother, peering out at you with that dull, serious look. You cannot coax her to come out. If you go over and take her by the hand, however, she will not resist. Other remedies—like Natrum mur, Tarentula, Arnica, or Hepar children—will kick up a fuss if you make a move toward