
Essence of Materia Medica – page 25

Whenever there is even a trivial heart ailment, Aurum patients develop a fear of heart disease. Whatever anxiety about health which exists in Aurum patients is focussed on the heart. This is not a fear of death. Aurum patients, when asked about whether they fear death, usually answer, "No, not at all. I welcom death. This is no life to live". Yet, they do have a fear of heart disease, which represents the plane of emotional vulnerability.
Aurum sometimes is prescribed for very severe rhinitis with offensive odour. The odour is so offensive that even others can smell it.
The syphilitic element is evident in Aurum. They have the typ¬ical deep bone pains of the syphilitic miasm.
Also Aurum covers all pains, of whatever origin, which drive the patient to want to commit suicide. The pains become so severe that death seems the only possible relief. I remember a case of neuralgia of one of the nasal branches of the trigeminal nerve. It was an incredible pain that drove the patient completely mad and she wanted to die. It was, quickly relieved by Aurum 10 M. I recall another case of severely painful mastoditis which was recurrent for years; this was also promptly cured by Aurum.
Aurum is a remedy which is capable of reaching into the deep¬est regions of the human organism when properly indicated and it is sometimes astounding to see the changes it can produce. Patients with deep-seated depressions develop a true elation about life; because of the previous darkness they truly appre¬ciate the new found light they feel inside.