
Essence of Materia Medica – page 22

for Aurum). They accept the other’s to have a different point of view, but then they further conclude that all possibilities of continuing the relationship are lost.
Because of this process, Aurum patients gradually come to the point when they derive no pleasure at all from social or emo-tional contact. They become joyless. Nothing motivates or excites them.
Aurum patients are people who usually feel they have given a lot of themselves to others, but not in an emotional sense. They often are quite wealthy—financiers, bankers, etc.—and they have given their wealth freely to others, but in return they have been hurt. Consequently they develop resentments which build up inside as a kind of pressure. However, because they are logical and sane people, they try to suppress these negative feelings. They may succeed in this suppression over a period of time, but their emotions then become somewhat unstable. They experience vacil-lations of moods, changeability.
It is during this stage that Aurum patients are ameliorated in the evening. During the daytime they feel dissatisfied, uncertain, irritable, lacking in self-esteem, feeling unworthy in their occu-pations etc. In the evening, though there is a return of self-esteem and a relief from the emotional pressures. Even the mind func-tions better once the sun sets. In this respect, Aurum is similar to Sepia and Medorrhinum. Despite this characteristic, it is also true that in some circumstances Aurum patient; may experience an aggravation of depression in the evening.
As their attempts to suppress negative feelings fail, they break out in tremendous irritability and rage. They may say very damaging things to others. Aurum patients at this stage of pathol-ogy may seem cruel and unfeeling to others, especially in their manner of speaking. They do not actually curse—they are too proper for that—but they may say very harsh and violent things to people around them.
In an attempt to control the poisonous process which seems to be overtaking the emotional level, Aurum patients turn more and more to mental activity. They are very industrious and hard-working, but to a pathological degree. Work becomes an outlet to avoid the discomfort of an emotional life which has become increasingly isolated and undernourished.