
Essence of Materia Medica – page 212

sane, all the others being insane. Finally, this develops the full religious righteousness.
The active state may alternate with a melancholy state—as in some manic depressive psychoses. The patient may brood or sulk, despairing over his own state or over the state of the world. In particular, there is despair over his own salvation. In young girls, just before the menses/there may be a deep despair, particularly if there is dysmenorrhoea with coldness, prostration, sweating, vomiting and/or diarrhoea. This despair, over the years, may pro-gress into a full-fledged insanity of the Veratrum type.
Some of the general characteristics of Veratrum are distinctive, and helpful in prescribing. Veratrum has great thirst for cold drinks, even for ice. It also desires fruit, particularly acid fruit. There is a great desire for salt. And throughout the Veratrum state there is severe coldness.
The acute state of Veratrum shows the activity in exaggerated form once again, DOUI mentally and physically. The excessive vom¬iting and diarrhoea is very active, sudden, explosive. The classic Vertrum state is one of severe illness, even shock. The best description is found in Kent’s Materia Medica; "Profuse watery" discharges. These conditions occur without apparent provocation. In cholera or cholera morbus, it seems that the fluids are forced out of the body. Lies in bed, relaxed prostrated, cold to the fingertips, with corresponding blueness, fairly purple; lips cold and blue, countenance pinched and shrunken; great sensation of cold¬ness as if the blood were ice-water; scalp cold; forehead covered with cold sweat; headache and exhaustion; coldness in spots over the body; extremities cold as death. Full of cramps; looks as if he would die/This state comes out during the menses, during colic with nausea, with mania and violent delirium, with head¬ache, with violent inflammations.
In the muscles, there is much twitching (like Hyoscyamus and Agaricus).
Physically, other than the gastrointestinal and menstrual symp¬toms, there are severe neualgic pains which drive the person to mania. There are severe neuralgic pains in the head, as well as congestive pains in the head. In the extremities and joints, there are severe neuralgic and rheumatic pains, again causing mania, coldness, and sweat.