
Essence of Materia Medica – page 209

In their dissatisfaction, Tuberculinum patients continuallly seek change. They go from job to job, or from location to location— always seeking escape from their dilemmas. Once they make a change, they may at first feel contented, but soon they again become dissatisfied and want to move on. These are people described in the books as being "cosmpolitan"—but this is a path-ological cosmopolitanism. They not only have a desire for travel; they’ are DRIVEN to it. •
People who have had clinical experience with tubercular patients, will have little difficulty grasping the Tuberculinum picture. These are patients who are lean, quick, muscular—like Sulphur, Phos-phorus, Nux vomica. They have rapid metabolisms and burn fat quickly. They emaciate quickly; once the disease has taken hold, they progress rapidly toward destruction and death. The Tub-erculinum patient, even without necessarily having the disease, carries this feeling of death and destruction deep inside. He feels his life is going to be short, so he hastens to make the most of it while he can.
Sexually, tubercular patients are known to be hyperactive. Just so, Tuberculinum patients have strong sexual desire. They go from one relationship to another, but always their love affairs are tumultuous. There are many upheavals and conflicts. In their capriciousness and need for change they are difficult to understand or to please.
Clinical experience has shown that tubercular patients heal better in mountain forests with dry climate. This is true for Tubercul-inum patients as well. If they feel irritated, they usually want to be alone, and the best thing for them to do is to walk in the open air in the mountains. For some reason, they are particularly ameliorated by being in pine forests. Conversely, they do not feel well at the seashore. In general, they are aggravated by cold wet weather and ameliorated in warm dry climates.
Tuberculinum patients, because their metabolisms burn fat so readily, have a desire for fat. Especially they desire pork and pungent-tasting meats like salami and smoked meats. They also have a desire for ice-cream.
Of course, Tuberculinum patients perspire heavily, particularly at night. This is a profuse perspiration all over the body, drench-