
Essence of Materia Medica – page 208

Tuberculinum is a distinctive remedy which cannot be missed once it is understood, but one which is difficult to describe concisely. Tuberculinum patients can be unpredictable in their moods and behaviour. One minute they are refined and gentle; the next, malicious and destructive.
Inside, Tuberculinum patients are people who burn the candle at both ends. They feel that life is short and must be lived to the fullest. They are never truly satisfied with themselves, nor with other people. They tend to be people with much ability and vitality in the early stages but they do not conserve themselves. They dissipate themselves. They are full of contradictory feelings; on the one hand they seek fulfillment and change, and on the other they feel dissatisfied and irritable. For example, consider the Tuberculinum child. He can never be satisfied by anything—like Cina or Chamomilla. It is more than a momentary impulsive capriciousness in Tuberculinum, however. It is a deep dissatisfaction which leads to destructiveness. The Tuberculinum child is intentionally malicious. He will find out what your most prized possession is and he will break it (see Breaks Things in Repertory). Just when you are about to go some¬where, he will throw an uncontrollable tantrum just to spoil your plans. He will do exactly that he has been told not to do merely to be spiteful. He may swear at his mother. Inside, he may wonder why he does these things, but he cannot control himself. Tub¬erculinum children become a constant torment to their parents. They are capable of disrupting entire families.
A similar pathology manifests in the adult. He is dissatisfied. He doesn’t know what he really wants, and no-one else can find ways of satisfying him. He becomes irritable over daily circumstances and he flies to pieces. He swears at his wife on no account. He cannot help himself.
Tuberculinum patients are difficult people to live with. They are aggressive and malicious. They are exceptionally selfish. They seek self-gratification, but they never achieve it.