
Essence of Materia Medica – page 205

of fragility, as if their legs are "easily breakable. Actually, this is more than a mere sensation to Thuja patients.
Another strange idea they describe is that something is alive in the abdomen. They may go so far as to give elaborately exact descriptions of this feeling, it is so powerful for them. One patient said he felt a small boy inside kicking with the right foot.
Still another fixed idea that I have seen quite frequently in Thuja is the sensation that someone is walking alongside him. This is not a fear, but a delusion. By contrast, Medorrhinum has a FEAR that someone is behind him. Petroleum is close to Thuja in this regard; it has the sensation that someone else is in bed beside him.
On the physical level, as mentioned, there are all kinds of over-growths of tissue. The tendency to warts, of course, is well-known in Thuja. In addition there may be recurrent herpes on the gen-itals. Women have uterine fibroids (Calc. flour., Calc. carb., Phos-phorus). Fingernails and toenails are ugly and deformed.
A few keynotes should be mentioned, perspiration in Thuja has a sweetish smell. There is also a particular intolerance to onions— as well as to pungent foods in general to some degree. A rare and peculiar symptoms which I have seen only twice is running of the nose during stool.
There is a strong tendency to catarrhs of all kinds—leucorrhoea, nasal, urethral etc. The discharges themselves offer few distin-guishing characteristics, but the patient in general feels relieved whenever the discharge is present.
The headaches are of a particular type. They usually begin in the forehead usually over the left eye, and then sweep back over the side of the head to the occiput. This can happen on either side, but on the right side it may be either Thuja or Prunus. (If it sweeps the right side and settles specifically on the right occip¬ital protruberance, however, the remedy would more likely be Sanguinaria.)
Being a sycotic remedy, Thuja is strongly affected by wet weather. It has all kinds of rheumatic affections. It should be pointed oui however, that Thuja is not very effective in the acute stage of gonorrhoea. It is more indicated once gonorrhoea has been sup-pressed into a deeper, chronic state. For acute gonorrhoea, better remedies to consider are Medorrhinum, Cannabis sativa or Indica., Sasparilla, and many others. If a gonorrhoea has been suppressed