
Essence of Materia Medica – page 201

green, black.
There is a lot of anxiety in Tarentula, anxiety that things will not get done, that something will go wrong. It is often an irrational fear, but it is a fear that again arises out of the wound-up state of the nervous system. On the other hand, the Arsenicum anx¬iety is a primary state on the emotional plane itself.
In the first stage, Tarentula is also a hysterical remedy. When the tension and external pressures become too great, the system col¬lapses and produces physical symptoms which prevent the person from continuing. There may be spasms, fainting attacks, convul¬sive or choreic states, and other physical symptoms. These may last until the pressure is lessened, then disappear only to return again when the tension becomes unbearable. Merely removing stress, however, is not ultimately adequate in Tarentula patients, because the primary problem is the wound-up and tense ner¬vous system.
In the second stage of Tarentula illness, the person begins to lose control and becomes destructive. In such a state of tension, if the restless Tarentula patient is restrianed in some way, he becomes violent. At first, the destructiveness occurs only when the patient is alone. It is done in secret, hidden as much as possible from the knowledge of others. This leads to the well-known Tarentula state of fox-like cunning, and the fox-like look in the eyes.
Ultimately, however, the destructiveness becomes more uncon¬trolled and publicly evident. Tarentula may tear his clothes or break things. Most typically, the violence is directed at himself— self-injury, banging the head, etc—but it may also be directed at others, Stramonium also has a destructive violence, but this violence usually focuses on others and on objects, and it arises from an uncontrolled eruption from the unconscious mental levels rather than from an overly wound-up nervous system.
In the third stage of Tarentula pathology, we see two characteristic types on insanity. These may occur separately in different Tarentula patients, or at separate or alternating times within the same patient. On the one hand, there may be severe and outright violence similar to Stramonium—desire to strike and to kill, and destructive violence with superhuman strength and stamina. On the other hand, there is an erotic mania in which the person is driven to make overt sexual advances to other people, even to