
Essence of Materia Medica – page 195

brain syndrome or senility.
There is a relationship to rabies, or hydrophobia—Stramonium will sometimes cure such cases. The hydrophobic state is also triggered by water, either seeing or hearing water. There is a strong aversiort to drinking water also.
Stramonium has a striking delusion of being attacked by dogs, A FEAR OF DOGS that might attack.
The acute stage of Stramonium may be compared with Bella-donna. There may be a high fever of sudden Onset, particularly caused by meningoencephalitis. In Stramonium, the fever may or may not be as high as in Belladonna, but the Stramonium fever is relapsing or continuous, in contrast with the remittent Belladonna. One may reasonably give Belladonna with the first episode; if the fever returns, however, Belladonna will no longer be of value. One must turn to other remedies; if there is violent, aggressive delirium, with the usual Belladonna picture of flushed face, dilated pupils, dry mouth, spasms etc., then Stramonium should at least be considered. The Stramonium delirium is as described above—smashing things, biting, tearing clothes, shriek¬ing, cursing. He is unaware of his surroundings, of other people, and even of his own sufferings. In his activity he may display superhuman strength (Tarentula). The child in the office sits rigidly clutching the chair in fear, staring with a wild look in the eye, ready to pounce or run. When the acute mania subsides the patient falls into the alternate state of anxiety and despair.
One needs to be aware in studying remedies of where the focus of action resides. In Stramonium the focus has to do with the uncon-scious, perhaps even specifically the rage centre in the hypothal-amus. There is a clinical syndrome known to neurologists having to do with head injuries causing a basal skull fracture and damage to the hypothalamus, resulting in specifically the type of rage and disorientation described in Stramonium. A similar picture can occur in severe extremes of alcoholic intoxication, when the person loses all control and flies into an irrational rage.
Stramonium also powerfully affects the peripheral nervous system. Particularly it produces a spastic state of the neuromuscular system. It has benefited considerably spastic children afflicted by birth injury or neonatal jaundice. It can relieve the spastic kind of paralysis seen in stroke victims and other neurological damage.