
Essence of Materia Medica – page 192

there is internal trembling. Later, this may develop into chorea; I have seen several cases of chorea cured by Staphysagria. Next, one may see loss of memory. The patient becomes mentally fat-igued and forgetful. He or she may read something and cannot remember what has just been lead. The induration which is so prominent on the physical level eventually reaches into the mental level as well. The intellect becomes "indurated", inflexible. A kind of dementia develops. The patient cannot properly receive new ideas or external impressions, and he or she just sits and stares. Again, along with many other remedies, Staphysagria can be indi-cated in senility when the previous history shows a process of chronic suppression and induration.
EXTRA NOTES! Sex may degenerate into lasciviousness or lust-fulness. An enjoyment beyond what is natural. Overindulging into sex relationships. Finds himself in a state where everyone dictates what he is doing with them (if in a lot of relationships). May create in his mind a state where he has no reigns on his life; everyone can do whatever they like. Let themselves get into situations that they did not really approve of. Cannot say no. So, a mess may develop after a while. Enlargement of the prostate gland can come about because of promiscuity, lustfulness, or maintaining long erections to satisfy others. So, forces the hor-monal system to work in an unnatural way. Impotent after all the previous exertions—corrected by Staphysagria (with Lycopod-ium being the main remedy for impotency). May have painful erections in the night, out of the blue, long-lasting ones that are very painful.