
Essence of Materia Medica – page 191

or white, and the lips may be blue.
From the image presented so far, the reader can easily predict the effects of Staphysagria on the sexual sphere. At first there is great arousal, particularly when not actually in the presence of the lover. This arousal is released through masturbation. But whenever confronted with an actual sexual situation,, the patient becomes impotent or frigid.
In children, of course, we do not see the same image as in adults. Nevertheless suppression is still the major theme. You may see mental retardation caused by suppression of natural inclinations brought about by parents or teachers. I recall a case of an 11 year old child who had been intelligent, friendly and outgoing until he went to school at the age of 6. By his second year in school he was already falling behind in his work. By the time he saw me, he appeared to everyone to be mentally retarded. He had completely missed 3 full years of school. His behaviour was very troublesome. He used to strike his mother so much that at first I prescribed Stramonium, without effect. Finally, I realised that the turning point in this case occurred when he entered school, so I probed persistently about the circumstances around that time. It turned out that the mother and father used to fight a great deal, which undoubtedly affected the child, but this had been true over a period of years. Finally, I discovered that he had been left-handed by nature, until the teacher forced him to write with the right hand "like all the other children." From past experience I knew that such a suppression could be a powerful influence. On this basis, I gave Staphysagria and this child is now not only able to keep up with is schoolwqrk. but he is rapidly making up the 3 years he had lost.
In later stages of Staphysagria pathology, the over sensitivity can manifest as excessive irritability. Staphysagria can become destructive and violent—not as much as Stramonium, but to a significant degree nevertheless. In this stage, one can easily mistake Staphysagria and Coffea. Both are very excitable. Their senses, espe-cialh/lhearing, can become very sensitive; although not comparable with Stramonium.
The stages on the mental level are quite predictable from the basic Staphysagria image. At first, after a strong grief or confrontation,