
Essence of Materia Medica – page 190

tal or occipital regions. This sensation of wood is highly char-acteristic, and it corresponds to the process of induration found on other levels as well.
It is important to emphasise that Staphysagria patients are very easily excited. All five senses can be aroused to fever pitch. This, coupled with their fear of intimacy, naturally leads to the strong tendency toward masturbation for which Staphysagria is famous. The Staphysagria patient’s fantasy reaches such a great intensity that it demands an outlet, so the patient satisfies this demand by masturbation.
Because of their high degree of sensitivity, Staphysagria patients are often artisically inclined. This inclination, however, usually involves solitary artistic activities—painting, music, poetry. It would be very ususual to find Staphysagria indicated in an extro-verted stage actor or singer. You may encounter, for instance, a sea captain requiring Staphysagria. Your first impression would never suggest Staphysgaria for a man in a position requiring such assertiveness and hardness. But then you discover that internally he has a quite refined aesthetic sense; he spends his leisure hours writing romantic poetry. Such an image could lead to Staphy-sagria.
I remember a 35 year old man who responded very well to Staphysagria. He was a nice man, he made friends easily, but he had a chronic reluctance to becoming involved in a real love affair. It was not that he was homosexual; he merely feared intimacy. He admitted to me that his major problem was masturba¬tion. He felt compelled to masturbate daily from the age of 7 to the age of 35. At some level he felt that this was excessive, and he repeatedly resolved to control himself; but by the next day his will was weak, and he continued his habit. This had become a tremendous problem for him. I believe, if he had not received Staphysagria, he would eventually have degenerated into a terrible condition.
Such sensitive people, when they experience griefs or direct con-frontations, are strongly affected in the nervous system in par-ticular. They immediately suffer internal trembling, and this may eventually evolve into outright chorea. The circulatory system may also be affected; there may occur high blood pressure or unequal distribution of blood in the body. The face may be red