
Essence of Materia Medica – page 182

perspiration. Both have tumours, warts and fissures. Both have white spots on the nails. On purely physical symptomatology, the key differentials are salt and fat. Nitric acid desires fat and salt, whereas Silica is averse to salt and intolerant to fat. Of course, usually the emotional symptoms make the differentiation unmis-takeable. Nitric acid is very anxious, dependent, and demanding. Silica on the other hand, is more considerate, patient, and yielding.
Silica feels the cold strongly, but one must also remember that, during acute ailments, Silica can also be intolerant to warm stuffy rooms—like Pulsatilla. Conversely. Silica can be aggravated by drafts, even though he or she may not feel the draft particularly. This is in contrast to Kali carb., which feels the draught but is not much aggravated by it. Sometimes, Silica is ameliorated when the weather turns to dry cold.
It is very interesting that Silica, like Cakarea is aggravated during full moon. It seems that patients which are lacking in elements which are prevalent in the earth—and probably the moon as well—are affected by moon phases.
Silica patients have a peculiar relationship to pins. They do not volunteer this fact, but you can elicit through questioning that they have a fear of pins and of pointed things. This can occasionally be useful confirmatory symptom. Another peculier Silica symptom is the sensation of a hair on the tongue—like Kali bich.
Silica patients do not usually develop severe pathology on the emotional or mental planes, in my experience. They mostly complain of a lack of mental stamina. Sometimes they may develop fixed ideas, which is not surprising in view of the formation of hard tumours. They have absolute prejudices which they simply cannot alter; i.e. "Sex is sinful under any circumstances." It is as if a small portion of the brain has become sclerosed, causing a loss of flexibility in thinking in regard to specific concepts.