
Essence of Materia Medica – page 178

A fear that she is really not alive inside. Calc. has similar fear that there is no hope, tries to hide it. Both cry for similar reasons. Sepia can’t explain why she is crying. Calc. also, because she feels she is going insane. Mind stills to an absence of thought (e.g. in middle age). Must do something to stimulate the mind to get it going; vigorous exercise, powerful stimulants, rubs forehead (Alum, to relieve the cobweb sensation, the veil over the mind.) Natrum mur. has a softness in the eyes; is physically similar to the thin early Sepia; romantic, but may lose her sexuality out of fear of rejection. It takes a lot to fill her stomach. It doesn’t respond, doesn’t feel full. May lash out against demanding children.