
Essence of Materia Medica – page 177

SEPIA SUCCUS (sep.) (second version)
Chilly, better by vigorous motion (not exactly restless). Tall, thin, wiry (like models), pointed features, long fingers. Hard, caustic and harsh, perhaps competitive, hard driving. "The female Nux vom." Another Sepia is flabby, a little fat, beaten down, washer woman type, full of inertia, just can’t do it any more. Swelling ankles, varicosities, prolapsed uterus, muscles flabby, collapses in a heap. A condition of stasis, stillness, stagnation, unrespon¬sive to change. Inertia. A flaccid inertia. Relaxed, not tight. Bag¬like inertia. Requires a powerful stimulus to induce movement. A state of balance between maleness and femaleness. Female appears masculinised. Male appears feminine. Not reactive. No tension to create movement. Apathetic. Not interested in the oppo-site sex. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system no longer dynamic, balanced state. No response. Uterus prolapses on standing, then gradually pulled back. Not the usual quick response, the change in gravitational force with change in posi-tion. Tatfes a great deal of stimulation to get a response. The bal-ance is too equal. Needs stimulation to function. Static without stimulation. Takes any outside influence and makes a big deal out of it. Carried away, excitable by outside stimulation. Children very excitable (Phos). Sensationalism. Seeks anything that gets her going. Requires lots of stimulation in sexual functioning. Response to a sexual advance requires too much effort. Aver¬sion to sex when approached. React with a feeling of repulsion through irritability, caustically. Frequent abortions, can’t hold the foetus. Muscles flaccid. The essence of Ignatia is a highly charged lack of emotion. Ignatia is of two minds in balance, but in great conflict, resulting in tension and a steel-like hardness. Sepia is hard and cutting, sarcastic, penetrating. No sense of limits of how far she can go. Doesn’t care if she hurts someone. Can be highly intelligent, penetrating mind. Sees through people and can remain unattached (pathological detachement). Not intentionally malicious. Senses that there is nothing moving inside. A deep secret that inside she really doesn’t care. This frightens her, and causes her "causeless weeping". Feels there is no possible cure for her.