
Essence of Materia Medica – page 175

to counteract. Better with vigorous activity. Walking fast and long.
Emotional state also has same idea of stasis. Stillness of emotions. Feel without emotion. Can’t be stimulated to have joy or emotion by any stimulus. The emotions that have been stilled refer to the affections. Affection and the joy of life. Can be so long in that state that she can’t remember. Life is again running through her when she feels better. Anger, irritability, are easily produced in Sepia. She will hit the children in such a way. Does not feel the natural affection of a mother for her child. She is also unable to feel that natural affection or love for her husband. Logically, she can say he is nice, as long as she stays away from him in bed. When he makes demands then she will hate him.
Lumbago better with hard pressure. Palpitation on lying on the left side. Can’t tolerate pressure around the neck (i.e. Lachesis). Tired, wants to stay alone; aversion to company. Can’t eat fatty foods. This same picture with an aversion to sex makes it Sepia and not Lachesis. Fear she believes something can’t be done. Sepia will usually cry during consultation. Spells of weeping. Brings all her suffering into the mind. Eventually she will develop tre-mendous anxiety, a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Sepia’s anxiety is one of the worst. She will cry day and night and not know why.
Anxiety with an element of the unknown, that something is going to happen. This continuous weeping state must be after having been a Sepia for a long time. (Phosphoric acid will give a similar picture with the lack of feelings.). In that emotional state, the best thing is to isolate herself. Nervousness, excitability in young girl with the skin. Laughing at a party; she will laugh, dancing. Tref mendous excitability, in the children; as a little girl will have the impression that they can’t break easily. Strained, excitable, flush-ing. Can’t counteract the everyday stimulus in life.
The same stillness seems to prevail in the mind. Dullness; feels that she is stupid. Function of mental reflection is lost in her. The meaning of the question. Takes a long time for her to give the answer. Gets absent-minded. Indolence; aversion to do anything because she feels weak in her mind. Nothing seems to excite the dull, indolent mind. Stasis of the mind; no thinking going on. Better sitting with legs crossed. Prolapsus of the visceral organs. State of attachment. State of mind within its dullness can