
Essence of Materia Medica – page 171

Must uncover them. Would not tolerate a sauna (Lachesis, Apis). Fear of closed places. Feels like she may suffocate. Ameliorated in cool water, sea shore etc. Intolerent to fat and food that makes her hot. Worse by alcohol, which over-stimulates her nervous system. Averse to fat, averse to pork. Craves or is averse to butter. Worse by changes (Nat. mur. which is closed off is worse in a closed room). Worse at twilight; morning person, wakes at dawn and loves the morning (Phos). Collapses at twilight (Phos). Phos-phorus and Pulsatilla can be better at twilight.
Pulsatilla may be strong emotionally, if healthy and the symp-toms are on the physical level. Weeps easily. Relieved by weep-ing. Pulsatilla is malleable, changeable. (Ignatia has internal conflict; idealistic, world fails them, they become cold and hard). Amelioration by consolation. May weep purposely in order to feel better. May get into a self-pitying state. She draws out your compassion. Relationships are very important. Needs a steadying, anchoring force. Forms a relationship, connects with someone, even a negative person as long as he is forceful. May be pro-miscuous early in life, but once a family is formed she is loyal.
Earth mother, loves to give and get massage. Sensuous. In a set-ting where culturally sensuousness is not accepted, she will sup-press her desire and suffer from it. She will tell you that she misses it. High sexual desire; sexual physically and emotionally. Not so much through sexual fantasy. (Phosphorus loves the emotional contact, and high fantasy to sex, not so into the physical part.) A soft, well-spoken individual with nice tender feelings. Opti-mistic, "but easily discouraged. Can never be aggressive or cruel. Does not want to impose. Sympathetic toward those close to her. May worry about a member of her family, but does not take on the other’s feelings. A flower bending in the wind and looking for a stick to steady it. May become an extreme fanatic. Then she does not have to make a judgement of her own. Takes on, someone else’s attitude to the extreme. Food patterns may become rigid. Attracted to dogmas, to dogmatic, spiritual communities! Fickle, likely to change from one dogma to another. Can become so inflexible, she is nearly catatonic. Sits like a tree that needs to be watered. Apathy in end stage.