
Essence of Materia Medica – page 170

Pulsatilla is primarily female. 75% of the time. Changeability with softness. A fluid yiedingness. No resistance to a challenge. May be slippery. Difficult to get symptoms. Very tuned in to what you want. (You must be careful to avoid any leading questions with a Pulsatilla patient). They shape themselves around what¬ever is presented with force. Strong feelings, but spontaneous. Not a strong sense of self-identity. Pulsatilla moulds herself to what others want. Phosphorus sees how others see her and buys that; Phosphorus is focussed on who she is because of her sug-gestibility. Phosphorus is suggestible, Pulsatilla is malleable. Pulsatilla is changeable, but basically simple, not complex. Pulsatilla is a river shaped by its surroundings. Phosphorus is a cloud, also changing, but diffusing. Phosphorus has strong imagination. Gul-lible. Sulphur has a big imagination which is very complex. Pulsatilla can not generalise about how she is because she changes. If someone says she is some way, she does not conjecture that it may be true, she tries to become that way. Sulphur is not changing; proud that he is into everything; always himself in all these things.
Pulsatilla’s ideas are soft ideas. Not definite. Easily changed and shaped. Emotionally easily arousable. Quickly up for it if someone comes to her in a party mood. Physically, dischrges are changeable. No one pattern. Difficult to get modalities from her. Wandering symptoms. Menses changeable. Feminine, voluptous, large lips. Circulatory system easily relaxed and easily aroused. Easy flushing of face. Slow motion is characteristic. Gentle motion is most pleasant. Keeps her out of indolence, but exertion brings out her symptoms from the arousal. Ferrum becomes overexcited and overheated like Pulsatilla, but is tired and anaemic. Sensitive to noise, to the crinkling of paper. Not exciteable. Pulsatilla is aggravated by heat. Acute condition may he worse by cold. Wilts in a warm room. Worse by the sun. She can take the sun if she can walk or bathe frequently to cool off. Pulsatilla has sweltering heat. Phosphorus may have burning heat. Worse by warm drink (Like Phos.) Likes cold things. Not thirsty. Feet get hot.