
Essence of Materia Medica – page 168

Considering the arteriosclerotic tendency, it is not surprising the Plumbum fits a variety of circulatory disorders. Most characteristically, there is palpitation of the heart while lying on the left side—like Lachesis and Phosphorus.
Plumbum shares another keynote with Phosphorus—amelioration by rubbing. They have electric-like pains and cramps which are better from massage, most probably because the circulation is momentarily stimulated.
The most striking keynote of Plumbum is a drawing or pulling sensation in the umbilicus—as if a string is drawing the umbilicus toward the back. This sensation is not necessarily limited to the umbilicus; it can be felt anywhere in the abdomen, in the stomach, and even in the chest. This sensation is sometimes seen during a severe intestinal or renal colic, which is one circumstance in which Plumbum can produce results within a matter of hours.
Plumbum also has offensive foot sweat, like Silica.
According to Kent, Plumbum sometimes manifests as a hysterical state. I have not seen this myself, but the description given by Kent leads me to believe it. It has a condition similar to Moschus— he patient fakes illness. Kent quotes a case which stimulated comatose state in the presence of others, but was perfectly normal while alone.
Plumbum is a remedy which we do not see reported very frequently in the literature. I believe this is partly due to the fact that it is very slow in action. Many prescribers very likely do not have the patience to wait the many months required to see the full benefit of Plumbum; very likely its action is often disrupted by other prescriptions given too soon. In addition, Plumbum is most frequently indicated in elderly patients, in which the ultimate results are necessarily limited.
Alumina is one remedy which can appear somewhat similar to Plumbum. In Plumbum, however, the mental state is one of torpor, of flatness. In Alumina, there is a total confusion to the point of actual delusion—a chaos in which the patient is uncertain who is speaking. Also, the Plumbum paralysis does not reach the same severity as in Alumina. The Alumina paralysis is more