
Essence of Materia Medica – page 149

sometimes relieve the spasm of gallstone colic, enabling the stone to pass into the intestinal tract; it may also relieve renal stone colic in the same manner.
In conclusion, it is important to be reminded that the symptoms described in this paper are not designed to be exhaustive, but merely to present an image, to point to the "essence". In any given patient, any combination of such symptoms may be there, perhaps excluding some classic symptoms of Nux, and yet the patient will still require this remedy. In most cases the obsession with tasks or work, the irritability from the over-extended nervous system, and the chilliness will be there. But, for example, a particular patient may avoid alcohol and dislike cigarettes and yet still need Nux vomica. In homoeopathic prescribing, we are not matching symptoms per se; rather, we are matching the essence of the patient with the essence of the remedy.