
Essence of Materia Medica – page 148

ulcerations and gangrenous putrefactions.
Nux vomica affects very strongly the nervous system. There are initially many twitchings and jerkings, similar to those in Hyoscyamus and Agaricus. There are severe neuralgic pains, particularly of the head. Nux is often needed in apopleptic states, expecially in cases in which the paralysis is accompanied by stick-ing pains in the affected limbs. In more extreme disorders, there are convulsions, opisthotonos, epilepsies. Considering the abuse of stimulants like alcohol, it is not suprising that Nux vomica is a remedy which might be indicated in delirium tremens.
All beginning students of homoeopathy are taught the generalities of Nux vomica; chilly, worse from drafts, worse in the morning. Nux is one of the chilliest of remedies; however, it tends specifically to be more aggravated in cold, dry environments and ameliorated in wet weather (along with Asarum, Causticum and Hepar sulph). Nux is very sensitive to drafts, which can easily cause a coryza if the patient has perspired (which occurs easily in Nux from slight exertion). A peculiar characteristic of Nux coryzas is that the nose is stuffed up while outdoors and flows fluently indoors; also, the nose runs freely during daytime and stuffs up at night.
The gastrointestinal tract is particularly sensitive in Nux. As men-tioned, gastritis and peptic ulcer are commonly seen, causing spasms, eructations, gagging and retching, which are unsatisfying to the patient. There is great sensitivity to almost all kinds of food; in the broken down Nux state, especially there will be little appetite, and the patient will be found to be a very picky eater. There is an aversion to meat, yet there may be a desire for fat—as well as for stimulants, pungent things, and spices, which are craved for the stimulating effects but which may dis¬order the stomach. The Nux patient will report that he bocomes sick whenever his stomach is disordered; he gets a cold, a headache or asthma. Pains in the abdomen are commonly accompanied by the desire for stool which so frustrates Nux.
As is commonly seen in alcoholics, the Nux system may show congestion of the portal system—oesophageal varices, and particularly haemorrhoids. There is also a tendency to jaundice, corresponding in many instances to cirrhosis of the liver. Nux will