
Essence of Materia Medica – page 144

the expense of his colleagues, the Nux person can become a wor-kaholic dominated by work. Because he is capable and efficient, it is likely that he will be rapidly promoted to greater and greater responsibilities. The Nux person will welcome such promotions. Two other remedies with similar physical symptomatologies, Arsenicum and Phosphorus, will take different attitudes. Arsen-icum will tend to decline a promotion with too much respon-sibility, partially because the self-centred Arsenicum person is more interested in personal comfort than achievement. The Phos-phorus patient may be intelligent and quick also, but will shrink from the intense competitiveness which might be necessary to get ahead.
In Nux vomica, the normally conscientious state can be exagger-ated out of proportion, leading to a compulsive efficiency. Nux is one of only a few remedies listed under the rubric Fastidious, but specifically the Nux fastidiousness is tied to the emphasis on efficiency. In this sense, the Nux fastidiousness is more approp¬riate to reality and not so severely pathological as would be assumed by its designation in italics in the Repertory. The Arsen¬icum fastidiuousness, on the other hand, is a typcal example of the severe neurotic, syphilitic fastidiousness so classically des¬cribed by psychiatrists. It is a compulsively neurotic concern with cleanliness and order, both arising out of a deep-seated, anguished feeling of insecurity; the Arsenicum patient is con-stantly straightening and cleaning, far in excess of what is required for simple efficiency. Natrum mux. is another well-known fastid-ious remedy; in this case, it is more a concern with punctuality and scheduling of time.
Eventually, the Nux vomica person may end up in a job which is over his head. Typically, he responds by working harder and longer, expecting more from himself and others. The Nux person characteristically carries the implicit assumption that any chal-lenge, any problem, can be overcome by sheer effort and ability. One of the most difficult things for a Nux patient to do is to accept a limitation, or to resign himself to the inevitable. To keep up with the pressure, he comes to use various artificial means to keep himself stimulated, coffee, cigarettes, drugs (whether by prescription or social drugs such as marijuana), alcohol, and even sex. Despite such abuse of stimulants, it is also true that Nux patients are also unusually sensitive to many of these substances