
Essence of Materia Medica – page 14

Arsenicum is a classic remedy known in its basic outlines to all homoeopaths. Originally proven by Hahnemann himself, Ars. has been exhaustively described in every Materia Medica since. The classic description in Kent’s Materia Medica covers all the essentials in both the acute and chronic states : Anxiety, Restless-r.iiss, Aggravated by Cold, Worse 1-2 p.m. and 1-2 Thir¬sty for Sips, Periodicity, Alternations of Symptoms, Ulcerations, Burning PAINS. A mere cataloguing of symptoms can be mis-leading in actual prescribing. However, unless the image is rounded out by an understanding of the essential dynamic pro-cess and stages of development of the remedy, particularly in comparison with other similar remedies.
The essential process underlying the Arsenicum pathology is a deep-seated INSECURITY. From this insecurity springs most of the key manifestations known in Arsenicum. This insecurity is not a mere social dynamic, but more essentially a sense of being vulnerable and defenceless in a seemingly hostile universe. This insecurity dominates the Arsenicum personality even from the earliest stages.
Arising from the insecurity is the Arsenicum DEPENDENCY on other people. Of course, Arsenicum is a prominent remedy listed under the rubric "Desires Company". In reality, the Arsenicum person has more than a mere desire for company—it is an actual need for someone to be present, near him. Arsenicum surrounds himself with people becuase of his insecure sense concerning his health, his unaccountable fear of being alone. The need for com-pany is not necessarily a need for interaction with people, such as in Phosphorus. Arsenicum needs people nearby, more for reas-surance and support than anything else. The Arsenicum person is very POSSESSF/E—possessive about objects, of money, and especially of people. The Arsenicum person does not easily share a relationship with a give and take dynamic. He is much more selfish, a "taker". In a relationship, he will give support to another person, but primarily with the expectation of receiving support in return.
It is in this sense that Arsenicum is a selfish remedy. Automat-