
Essence of Materia Medica – page 141

in an entirely different Nit. acid patient. Usually the pathological anxiety about health comes about in people who have been living quite comfortably—the "dolce vita" jet-setters—and then suddenly the doctor suggests that some minor complaints needs checking to rule out something serious. From this moment on they become panicky, and this anxiety about their health may remain for a very long time unless they get Nitric acid.
This is completely insane anxiety. For example, a Nitric acid woman finds a pimple on her scalp and she quickly decides that there is about a 90% chance that it is cancer of the brain. You explain to her that cancer of the brain developes inside the skull, not outside , but she still is not satisfied. She goes to another doctor, and then to a third, and a fourth. She is one of those patients who keeps on telephoning the doctor all the time, arguing, "Yes, 1 see your point, the pimple is going away anyway, but now I have a tittle pain in the left side of my chest.This must be cancer…." The main anxiety in Nitric acid is for cancer. They do not fear so much heart disease orstroke, their fear is for terminal ailment such as cancer which they believe inevitably leads to death.
Another feature of Nitric acid patients is that they do not esily make contact with others. They talk as there IS ALWAYS A BARRIER between them and others. Even when there is anxiety and the doctor confirms that nothing is wrong, they remain absolutely certain of their own idea. It is as if this barrier prevents any real communication. Nitric acid patients stay within their own world of suspicion. Because of this, these people make very poor con¬versationalists; they seem incapable of seeing the point of the other person.
EXCITABILITY IN SEX is another feature of Nitric acid. The Nitric acid man is likely to be the type who often visits Prostitutes, having sex purely out of physical excitability, and not caring about emotional or mental contact. It is not actually that he does not care, but he has decided that he cannot find a woman perfect enough to suit him. So he chooses instead to have sexual intercourse only on a physical level
Eventually, the pathology reaches into the mental sphere. Nitric acid patients may dwell on thoughts of suicide because they can find no way to make it in the world. They feel too weak to cope