
Essence of Materia Medica – page 132

acutally make them worse; they will continue with the tantrum until they themselves decide to stop.
At an older age, the hysterical tendency shows itself in another way. Ordinarily, Natrum mur. people do not express emotion readily; they do not cry easily, for example, when suffering a grief. They may be quite serious in their demeanour. However, when nervous or under stress, they tend to laugh over serious matters, then to giggle hysterically; as this giggling becomes uncontrol¬lable, it dissolves into hysterical weeping.
Adolescents of this type are likely to be quiet and withdrawn, but with a sense of responsibility and integrity. At a party, they tend to sit on the sidelines, enjoying themselves by watching others and imagining what they are experiencing. If they are attracted to someone, they will not be flirtatious or friendly. Indeed, they may appear to pay no attention at all, only watch¬ing the other out of the corner of the eye. They are liable to fan¬tasize that the other person is likewise attracted and they may romantically blow the entire situation out of proportion. This is the reason why Kent states that a young girl who needs Natrum mur. will easily fall in love with a married man, or someone unat¬tainable. This then causes intense anguish and grief, and the result is an even greater introversion.
They develop intense emotional and sentimental attachments for people, but they don’t show their feelings. A daughter may have a deep feeling for her father without anyone else realising it. Then the father dies. The daughter grieves silently, locking herself in her room and crying in her pillow. To the surprise of everyone around her who did not realise the depth of her affection, she becomes very introverted, desiring only to be alone with her books and her music. There is no moaning or crying in front of others—merely occasional sighing perhaps. This internal state con¬tinues until she finally breaks down. Then there is uncontrolled, hysterical sobbing with massive shaking of the body, spasms, and twitchings. Such an outburst usually lasts just a short time, and she quickly regains control and composure.
The first stage of pathology in Natrum mur. appears on the phys-ical level. There may be gastritis, arthritis, migraine headaches, canker sores, or herpes on the lower lip. As might be expected,