
Essence of Materia Medica – page 130

The primary characteristic underlying the Natrum mur. pathol¬ogy is introversion arising out of a feeling of great vulnerability to emotional injury. Natrum mur. patients are emotionally very sensitive; they experience the emotional pain of others, and feel that any form of rejection, ridicule, humiliation or grief would be personally intolerable. Consequently, they create a wall of invulnerability, become enclosed in their own worlds, and prefer to maintain control over their circumstances. They avoid being hurt at all costs.
People susceptible to developing the Natrum mur. type of pathol-ogy are emotionally sensitive and vulnerable, but quite clear and strong on mental and physical levels. Mentally, they have a high degree of objectivity and awareness, as well as a great sense of responsibility. For this reason, they are likely to be the sympathe¬tic ear to whom others turn when distressed. The emotional sen-sitivity and the sense of responsibility readily lead such people into fields of counselling, psychotherapy, the ministry etc. While listening sympathetically to someone else’s suffering, such people maintain their objectivity and appear to be very strong. They internally absorb the pain of others, however, and they dwell on it later; particularly, they wonder "How would I react in such a situation? Would I be able to take it".
Throughout life, individuals with Natrum mur. tendencies exper-ience deeply all impressions of life, accumulating awareness and understanding beyond their age. They are strong and enjoy being presented with challenging circumstances, even those involving emotional risk. At first, they enjoy company and thrive on the nourishment of emotional contact with others. They enjoy receiv-ing affection from others—indeed, they inwardly expect and demand it, even though they do not themselves express affec¬tion easily. They are so sensitive that they feel hurt by the slight¬est comment or gesture that might imply ridicule or rejection. Natrum mur. adolescents, for example are reluctant to date, for fear of rejection. Even imagined slights can cause suffering. After being hurt several times, they learn to become cautious. They