
Essence of Materia Medica – page 127

to be first the skin and mucous membranes, next the spinal column, and finally the brain. The slow, insidious progression of illness through these organs calls to mind the possibility that Mercurius has a particular affinity for ectodermally—derived struc¬tures. As is well known to biology, the embryo is differentiated into three derivative tissues; ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Each of these tissues result in separate functions in the mature organism. The ectodermal structures include in particular the skin, the mucous membranes near the surface of the body, the eyes, and the nervous system. These are structures for which Mercur¬ius has an affinity.
The weakness in defensive reaction is evident throughout all the physical symptomatology of Mercurius. As mentioned before, Mercurius patients have one of the most narrow ranges of toler-ance to heat and cold of all remedies. Because of weakness of the defence mechanism, there is great instability to the Mercur¬ius system. This is evident in a variety of physical symptoms for which Mercurius is well known.
Mercurius is known for easy perspiration, and then not being relieved by it. Perspiration is a normal function designed to cool the body when it is being overheated, and also to excrete toxic products. In Mercurius, however, the slightest stimulus or exer-tion produces perspiration because of his oversensitivity. It is an over-reaction to a minimal stimulus. Then even the perspiration itself becomes a source of aggravation to the person with such a narrow range of tolerance.
The lack of reactive power is the underlying cause for the char-acteristic mercurius aggravation from suppression of discharges, such as from otorrhoea or other suppurative disorders. In Mer-curius, such suppression occurs very easily by orthodox treat-ment. Unlike the healthy defence which eventually has the power to re-c.stablish the discharge in the same or another form, the Mer¬curius system merely absorbs the morbific influence, allowing it to create pathology at a deeper level.
There is a tendency to chronic suppurations of all kinds, sup-purations which can last for many years. There is simply not enough defensive force to eliminate the infection, so a "stale-mate" results, until the allopath interferes and suppresses the infection to a deeper level.