
Essence of Materia Medica – page 125

This Mercurius weakness of reaction is not a sudden event. It is a slow, insidious process which can be difficult for the patient, and therefore for the homoeopath, to perceive in the early stages. It creeps up in such a slow way that the patient barely notices the vulnerability to stimuli. By the time the patient consults a homoeopath for a particular complaint the vast bulk of the symp-toms have been forgotten, no longer being recognised as abnor-mal. Having learned to adapt to the narrow range of tolerance to things, the patient reports only the immediate symptoms which bring him to the consultation. In early stages, it takes patient, skillful and thoughtful questioning to elicit homoeopathic symp-toms which the patient himself may not be aware are different from the experience of other people.
Because the mental state is the centre of being of the person, let us describe in detail the stages of development of pathology on the mental plane. The first effect noticed is the slowness of action of the Mercurius mind. The patient is slow to answer questions (like Phosphorus and Phosphoric acid, as well as other remedies) He is slow to comprehend what is happening, or what is being asked of him. This is at first not a confusion of mind, or poor memory, but an actual slowness, an incomprehension, a kind of stupidity. Calc. carb., of course, also has a slowness of mind, but Calcarea is an intelligent person; once comprehended, Calcarea is able to use the idea efficiently. Mercurius is both slow of mind and poor in comprehension.
The Mercurius mentality has a kind of inefficiency in action. Mer¬curius is one of the remedies characterised by hurriedness and restlessness, but it is a hurry in which the person does not accom¬plish anything. A task which should take half an hour to accom¬plish will take the Mercurius patient one and a half hours. Remedies such as Tarentula, Sulphuric acid, Nux vomica, and Natrum mur. are also in a hurry to a pathological degree, but their activities are nevertheless productive and efficient.
The second stage is characterised by impulsivity. The Mercurius mind, because of the vulnerability to stimuli from without and from within, is unable to keep his mind concentrated purely in a particular direction. The healthy person is able to focus ihe mind on a subject or task despite the many random thoughts and ideas which may attempt to intrude. The Mercurius mind does not have