
Essence of Materia Medica – page 12

"How shall* I ever cope with it? What am I going to do? I shall make such a fool of myself." This anxiety so overwhelms him that he starts to urinate frequently or possibly diarrhoea occurs. This is a state of very low self-confidence. The idea of appearing in public to give a speech seems impossible. The most charac¬teristic aspect of the fears are their "fixed" nature coupled with superstitious paranoia.
To the rubric "Superstitious", which lists Conium and Zincum, should be added Arg.nit, Rhus tox and Stramonium.
The mental weakness manifests throughout the body in ways familiar to us as simple aging. The mental weakness is similar to what we see in senile states. The face appears wrinkled and shrivelled and the patient appears older than his or her actual age. This is not like Calc. carb. which may look old with the fur¬rowing of the face, the fine squares. It is not the same as Lyc-opodium where the body seems to be aging in the upper half. With Arg. nit. it is more of a shrivelled look (Secale, Ambra grisea).
The Arg.nit. patients emotionally are quite easily over-stimulated. Their emotions are quite strong, even to the point of impulsive-ness. They can be very impulsive whether in expressing anger or love. Arg. nit. is the leading remedy for impulsiveness.
It is interesting to note that as the weakened nervous system causes a diminishing of mental function, a corresponding over-activity may occur in the circulatory system. Tremendous pal-pitations can occur which are felt all over the body, especially while lying on the right side. Flushes of heat can also occur. The Arg. nit. type is aggravated by heat. They like fresh air and cold bathing.
Considering the digestive system, there is a strong desire for sugar and sweets in general, but sugar can disagree, sometimes caus¬ing diarrhoea. In addition, there are desires for salt, salty foods and strong cheese. Arg. nit. bloats easily. There is much belching and eructations. The eructations can be continuous and very loud—like cannons. When we have a patient with a strong desire for sugar, a desire for salt who is worse from heat and better from cold, then we must think of Arg.nit. If, in addition,the patient is aggravated by sweets then it is definitely Arg. nit.