
Essence of Materia Medica – page 117

Medhorrhinum is a remedy that goes to extremes in its pathology on all three levels. It seems incapable of maintaining a neutral, stable state. It is FITFUL, UNSTABLE, going from one extreme of pathology to the other. At one extreme, the Medorrhinum patient is highly sensitized; he or she seeks relief from sensitiv¬ity, and the relief is found in a state of PROFUSION. Everything is taken to excess—physical discharges, temper, impulses, sexual indulgence, etc At the other extreme it is a state of INVERSION, a turning inward of the pathology to the point of suppression, timidity, and loss of physical, emotional, and mental power.
On the mental/emotional level, the Medorrhinum state of excess is almost maniacal—aggressive, forceful, wild. The nervous system and emotions become over-excited. Viewing this condi-tion alone, one might think of such remedies as Tarentula or Nux vomica (although Medorrhinum doesn’t go to such an extreme as Stramonium).
The same tendency is seen on the sexual sphere. A large part of the expression of Medorrhinum pathology centres on the gen¬itals. The Medorrhinum man always thinks about sex, desires sex, when in the impulsive, aggressive phase.
His externalised aspect of Medorrhinum is one extreme. The other extreme results from a turning inward of all this energy. It becomes bound up and unavailable. The patient begins to lose power on mental, emotional, and physical levels. There is ema-ciation and atrophy—eventually even marasmus. The effects of suppression on any level are most evident by this process of inver¬sion.
In this collapsed state the Medorrhinum patient experiences a loss of mental power. He is weak and confused. There is for-getfulness and absent-mindedness of all kinds—cannot remem¬ber words, cannot remember where something was left. Eventually, this progresses to a true confusion of ideas. Whereas before the mind was profusely expressive, now it becomes dulled, unclear, lacking in perceptive power.