
Essence of Materia Medica – page 114

ifistic, and duty-bound, you can see easily how they become intro-verted and develop a sour temperament. In order to avoid being hurt, they close themselvs off. But what distinguishes Mag.mur. patients is that they display this outward appearance of sour-ness, of dissatisfaction. They appear as if they are always in anguish, on edge, as if they can’t take much more. They are com-pletely unable to relax under any circumstances.
Mag.mur. is one of the leading remedies for unrefreshed sleep. This may be caused by subconscious anxiety, as mentioned, or it may be due to liver dysfunction. It is well-known, of course, that Mag.mur. is one of the remedies which are almost specific for liver troubles. Whenever the liver fails to function properly, toxins build up in the bloodstream and the patient wakes up in the morning feeling miserable all over. This is not the kind of morning aggravation seen in Rhus tox, which specifically affects the joints, which have been motionless during sleep. Rather, Mag.mur. patients awake feeling miserable in their entire being—mentally dull and unable to concentrate on their work, emotionally lifeless, and physically heavy and toxic (especially in the head). They describe this state as a Iethargy/ a feeling as if they had been drugged. It may take them a half hour to become alive, and then they become "overwound" until bedtime.
Mag.mur. offers us a golden opportunity to study the physiolog-ical effects of liver failure. It is interesting that in general people who are sensitive to conflict and develop a "sour" out-look on life, tend to develop pathology, with the liver as the target organ.
A primary characteristic of Mag. mur. is the aggravation from lying down—especially upon closing the eyes. The patient may feel relatively well until he lies down and closes his eyes to go to sleep. Then, all of a sudden, the restlessness comes on. He tosses and turns but is unable to get comfortable. Finally, he gets up and walks around a while. This relieves him, and he is able to go back to bed.
This aggravation from lying down applies to all symptoms in Mag. mur—the anxiety, the sleeplessness, and the physical symp-toms. This can be a primary keynote during an acute ailment such as influenza. Because Mag. mur. is chilly, anxious, and restless, one might think of such remedies as Rhus tox or Arsen-icum- Or, because it has the burning in the nostrils, one