
Essence of Materia Medica – page 113

Magnesis muriatica patients are people who eventually develop a SOUR temperament. They have a kind of bitterness, but one which is not hard or thorny. It is a dissatisfaction which shows vividly in the sour, facial expression. In their dissatisfaction they appear as if they are always in some, degrees of anguish.
Mag.mur. patients are very sensitive to any kind of confronta-tions, either involving themselves or other people. They are pacifists—always trying to make peace. It is not that they are cowardly; in war situations they may display lots of courage. Their vulnerability is a purely emotional sensitivity. They want others to be happy and satisfied, and they may go to excessive lengths to bring this about. They will suppress their own emotions for the sake of others—not as much as Staphisagria, but quite strongly nevertheless. If parents fight, the Mag. mur. child suffers tre-mendously and tries to bring about peace. If an adult of such type has suboridnates at work who quarrel, he will work himself into an anxiety state trying to find a way to resolve the conflict.
Mag.mur. patients also have a STRONG SENSE OF DUTY. They easily overload themselves with too many tasks, and then become very anxious when they find themselves unable to keep up. They become overwrought with nervous energy trying to meet the demands and then find themselves unable to sleep properly.
This sense of duty, together with the emotional sensitivity to others, eventually leads to great restlessness and fidgetiness. Over the years, this nervous restlessness leads to sleep difficulties. In some cases they cannot fall asleep until almost morning. Others fall immediately into a profoundly deep sleep—like a log, or like a dead person—only to awaken in 4 or 5 hours completely unre-freshed. In either case, the normal sleep cycle is disturbed, and these people suffer tremendously from it. They never quite catch up, but they keep trying to run on nervous energy until finally they break down into weeping (which ameliorates in Mag. mur.) hysterical fits, or irritability and depression.
If you picutre in your mind such people who are. sensitive, pac-