
Essence of Materia Medica – page 107

talking and talking. One of the main remedies for religious affec-tions. (If you suppress, you must have an outlet). Talking, jump¬ing from one subject to another; such a flow of ideas passing through the mind, can’t pass fast enough through the mouth. Very critical; they can’t tolerate the least criticism toward themselves.
Lachesis has another state—has great ideas; frustrated in earlier years. Will not follow through on this ambition to do great things. All this driving inwards leads to development of kidney stones and heart lesions. This Lachesis is introverted, sensitive, does not want to hurt anybody, will never let out their emotions. You get these people who will not talk. Must understand that this type of silent person is also a Lachesis.
Wine will aggravate his case. Good speaker, but a bad conver-sationalist. When they have reached a certain mental state/a delu¬sion appears; they will feel the dead people (their presence) talk to them. They will give orders todo things. Also, anotheV remedy like this is Anacardium. Feels someone is talking to him, but Ana-cardium gets double feeling, one tells him to do good, and the other to do bad. The Lachesis desires and aversions—likes oyst¬ers very much, desires farinaceous foods (cereals, grains, macaroni, potato, pasta).