
Essence of Materia Medica – page 106

One case, Lachesis was given because of sex suppression—can be typical of Lachesis. Left-sided kidney colic. Alcoholism— circulation can be out of balance; Lachesis is useful here. May produce a normalisation in the craving for alcohol. Lachesis even helps in delirium tremens. Also considered in cases where nar¬cotics are taken.
Worse lying on the left side, aggravates all ailments. May have palpitations, dyspnoea, feeling of fainting. Lachesis prefers the left side with centralisation around the heart—left to right. Inter¬costal neuralgia—left side—Spigelia, Nat mur, Bryonia. Acute conditions—left sidedness. Congestion of the head; kind of bluish appearance. Sensitive to touch on skin or any constricition of the skin; least touch is painful, but deep is not so bad, (Belladonna congestions are more red than purplish, and more right – sided.)
Sometimes amelioration comes by hard pressure (Bell, also has this).
Emotions are quite strong; quite attached to people and objects. The attachment is strong, so we get pathological conditions of jealousy. Can degenerate into jealousy or into lasciviousness (over¬indulgence in sex). One of the great self<entred individuals (read Kent’s description of this self-centred ness). A false idea of loving oneself—the other person that is connected becomes an object. If fears that he may love this object of pleasure, then you get this jealousy. Suspicion; imagining, during the jealous phase. One of the main remedies for people who are very suspicious. If jeal¬ousy progresses to suspicion, then may progress even further to paranoia. They may think that their family is scheming to put them into an insane asylum. Can go into deep states of anxiety and depression, worrying about their health, especially the heart. PARANOIA—Hyos, Kali brom. Tarent, Stram, Plat, Ver, Alb. Anx¬iety about heart diseases—Lachesis is one of the main remedies. Clairvoyant beings, have intuitions. Depression worse in morn¬ing, may feel quite moved, in afternoon it is quite OK. Left untreated, may go into continuous depression. Fear of insanity, at a certain stage (also Mane, Cann, Ind, Calc. carb.)
May eventually go into insanity. Crisis is worse just before the menses. Impulsive, sporadic type insanity. It occurs in fits. Loc-quacioushess; talkativeness when there is a suppression of sex. Replacing what is missing in contact and communication with