
Essence of Materia Medica – page 10

The central idea of the Arg. nit. patient is a person who has a weakness on the mental sphere which is most obvious when a challenge appears. This is a mental weakness accompanied by an emotional state of excitability and nervousness and impul¬siveness. His mental faculties are weak while his feelings are over-strong. Such a combination produces a person who is ready to acton any idea which happens to flit through his mind, no matter how" ridiculous it may be.
The patient may be sitting on a balcony and suddenly the idea comes to mind; "What if I were to fall?" This idea sticks in his mind and in his imagination he produces the whole scene of fal-ling to the ground and SEEING HIMSELF CRUSHED FULL OF BLOOD etc. Finally, he becomes overwhelmed with this image until he has the actual impulse to jump in order to see what it would be like. He may even make a move toward the edge, but at this moment he comes to his senses—full of fear. He goes inside and he closes the window^
Another example of this combination of weakness and excita¬bility might be a man working on the pavement in the street who finds himself compelled to work in a particular way. If the pave¬ment is laid out in squares, he finds Unnecessary to work on every other square, or he finds he must step Only on the lines between the squares taking very tiny steps.
A further example : A man walking down a street planning to turn a particular corner suddenly becomes obsessed with the thought that the moment he turns that corner a heavy object will fall on him. The thought is so powerful that he continues on past that corner and turns at the next one.
Still another image : A woman crossing the street sees a car pas-sing in front of her at a safe distance. She knows the car cannot hit her and indeed it passes in front of her without incident. Then, as she crosses the street she flashes on a whole scenaris of what MIGHT have happened if she had crossed the street a moment earlier. The vivid image of the car crushing her jolts her back to her senses.