
Essence of Materia Medica – page 101

especially affecting the internal vital organs, and the lower regions of the body. The mental suppression is so extreme, as a matter of fact that it seems to have a deforming effect on the structures of the body; it would almost seem that the extreme mental con¬trol distorts the structure of even the cells themselves. There are deformities of the bones, of the spine, and of the joints. (Kali carb. is almost a specific for deformative arthritis.)
The exaggerated mental control drives the symptoms expression most characteristically into the solar plexus. If he acknowledges emotion at all, he will describe it as being in the stomach—anx-iety, fear, even shocks from the environment. Kent has a graphic description of this state. "A peculiar condition in Kali carb. is a state of anxiety felt in the stomach, as though it were a fear". One of the first patients I ever had expressed it in a better way than it is expressed in the books; she said "Doctor, somehow or other 1 don’t have a fear like other people do. I feel it right here", (epigastric region). Well, that is striking, that is peculiar. It was not long before I developed another feature of Kali carb. By a little awkwardness on my part, my knee happened to hit the patient’s foot as it projected a little over the edge of the bed, and the patient said. "Oh!" Sure enough, that was Kali carb. again, for you will find in Kali carb. a patient that is afraid and every-thing goes to the stomach, and when touched upon the skin there is an anxiety or fear or apprehensions felt in the region of the stomach." One patient I recall described a sensation of being struck in the solar plexus every time she would lie down for sleep; it was so severe that she was forced to get up and walk around in order to relieve the sensation. Another remedy having, a strik¬ing similar sensation is Mezereum; it also feels a powerful anx¬iety in the stomach,-but in Mezereum the anxiety arises from the stomach then overwhelms the whole organism, causing the person to feel as if he is dying.
So we see that the Kali carb. patient is quite sensitivie to emo-tions and to environemental changes, but maintains tight con¬trol over expressing this sensitivity. For this reason, we can also see the extreme sleeplessness present in Kali carb. Sleep is a time in which mental controls are naturally relaxed, something which is difficult for the Kali carb. patient. Such a person may go many weeks without sleeping, yet you cannot find any particular reason for the sleeplessness; the patinet denies anxiety, overactivity of