
Essence of Materia Medica – page 100

come up with a solution. Such a patient, although suffering inter¬nally and silently, may be admired by others for dignity and integ¬rity in the face of difficulties; the Kali carb. wife for example, may tolerate silently her husband’s adulterous behaviour. On the other hand, a Kali carb. man can be frustrating to live with in a marriage, unless the wife is understanding enough to appre¬ciate the indirect way in which such a person shows his feelings. He may appear to be devoid of emotions because of his controlled expression of them, but he may well feel things quite strongly (unlike, for example Phosphroic acid or Aurum met. which are internally truly dead and "still" in the emotional sphere).
It is for these reasons that the Kali carb. patient is difficult for the homoeopath to treat. Such a patient will stoically tend to ignore problems until they may have reached a serious stage. When he does come to the homoeopath, he answers questions with a matter-of-fact shrug of the shoulders. This is the patient who gives you no symptoms at all. You may ask if he has a fear of the dark, and the patient may shrug his shoulders in assent conveying to you a mild degree of intensity, whereas indeed the truth is that he is extremely afraid of the dark. The very symp¬toms which mean the most to the homoeopath, the emotional and mental symptoms, are the ones the Kali carb. patient down¬plays the most. This is a situation in which the homoeopath’s skilled insistence of real life images and concrete examples, rather than mere recording of data can be crucial because the Kali carb. patient, left to his own devices, will allow his condition to reach an incurable stage before revealing the emotional intensity of his state. The toll that such mental control can take on the physical level can be illustrated by a sample case.
A Kali carb. wife was admitted by all her friends for never dis¬playing self-pity or frustration while her husband slid into a trou-blesome senility over a period of many years before eventually dying; later, after suffering a financial loss, she developed a rena colic treated allopathically by an injection, and then rapidly col lapsed into congestive heart failure and died.
Such iron-clad mental control prevents the final force from uti Using its most important channels of expressions of symptom;: on the mental and emotional levels. Therefore the symptom; become channeled with devastating force on the physical level