
The Celle Seminars_Page 87

Celle Seminar I, Case 2: Insanity

become extreme enough to cause psychotic states. Normally you would expect Phosphorus to be just the opposite—open, communicative, sexual, and social—but because of this sensitivity, the patient closes himself off. Phosphorus patients in such a state tend to cry out of pain. They would be unable to leave their homes or go to work. Such simple things like going shopping become a big deal. Everything just becomes impossible for them because they are too sensitive. Essentially, in this acute state Phosphorus just closes himself off from the world altogether. You wouldn’t expect Phosphorus, in such an extreme state, to be as communicative and social as the woman we’ve seen here. (A.5): What other rubrics can you suggest? (G.V.): Well, the rubric would have to display a causative factor. Let’s put into the Expert System insanity from anger, underlined three times. If you put this in the computer, it will come up with one answer every time: Hyoscyamus. If I were to feed the computer suppressed anger as an additional piece of information, Staphisagria would come up as a secondary remedy to be considered. If I were to put in insanity from suppressed anger, then Staphisagria might overrule Hyoscyamus as the primary remedy.
(A.6): When you speak, your face takes on a typical Staphisagria pattern. You seem so stressed, (laughter)
(G.V.): Anyone who is a little sensitive is bound to be affected by this interview. You simply cannot remain completely objective and untouched because the situation here is so clearly unjust. That’s why it is so difficult to follow an analysis of this kind. With synthetical repertorization Staphisagria is the primary remedy suggested, but with normal repertorization Staphisagria comes in 18th place in importance. Using the Expert System, Staphisagria is definitely the first remedy to be suggested, with Hyoscyamus as a possible secondary remedy.