George Vithoulkas
(A.3): I find Stramonium to have a lot of symptoms that are similar or parallel to Staphisagria.
(G.V.): That is true, but Stramonium is a very wild remedy. In describing her state the patient says essentially, »I feel that I’m possessed by the devil.« All this is Hyoscyamus. We hear that she breaks things out of aggression, and this might lead us to think of insanity in connection with Stramonium. But the insanity displayed by Stramonium is much more frightful to look at. From all that I have to go on at the moment, I do not see Stramonium as being indicated. Moreover, Stramonium cannot live in darkness, because darkness is a tremendously frightening thing for this remedy. She said that she is not afraid of the dark, so obviously this typical Stramonium symptomatology has to be ruled out.
(A.4): What about Silicea} She internalizes her husband’s anxieties. In a sense, she is a medium for other people’s problems.
(G.V.): Yes, you might be correct in thinking her to be a Silicea person. But one of the first things you will see with Silicea is an intolerance to cold. It is a very cold remedy and its tolerance is very low. Furthermore, I don’t believe that Silicea would reach a state that could induce insanity. Before things could get that acute, Silicea would have already acted out her problem in some other fashion. She would most probably have developed headaches, or other less severe symptomatology. With Staphisagria symptomatology you’ll see the patient change from one moment to another.
Someone suggested Phosphorus. Phosphorus, particularly in a state of insanity or near insanity, would be much more concerned about his own health. The anxiety that Phosphorus develops about his state shows that this is one of the most anxious remedies in the materia medica. Phosphorus can go into a state where the person becomes so sensitive, without a feeling of being protected, that it is as though the person were, figuratively speaking, lacking skin. This is a fantastic state of sensitivity, and at such moments Phosphorus is unable to meet or see anyone because contact with others makes them suffer. This sensitivity can