George Vithoulkas
her lost virginity.« What she is really saying is, »I have sinned.« All this can be Pulsatilla. As you know, Pulsatilla patients can go into a completely passive state where they won’t talk, won’t eat, and have to be fed. Pulsatilla can sit in one place, completely immobile, and stare into space for hours on end. These patients are so passive that you can literally position them—put them on a bed or chair or just lead them around—and they will stay wherever they are put without objection or protest. Pulsatilla patients can be very uncommunicative. They’ll look right at you when posed a question but they won’t answer. So, yes, the description of her illness did remind me a little of Pulsatilla. However, there were a lot of other things going on as well. Suppose she escaped into insanity because she considered herself to be a sinner. If this were a contributing factor to her illness, I would have analyzed the case very differently. For example, if she had said, »I’m a sinner, I had an extramarital fling,« and then reported that this incident was followed by a crisis in which she was passive and psychotic, I would say that this is Pulsatilla. However, we see that the patient becomes passive due to suppression of normal human contact, and because she feels herself to be repressed in her marriage. As a result, she goes into fits of rage in which she slaps people and throws things around. Open up your repertories to throwing things. What do you see? Pulsatilla can throw things, but not in an insane state. Pulsatilla will throw things in order to attract attention, especially the attention of those who she knows like her. What she is trying to say, more or less, is »I’ll show you!« This is not the case with the patient we just saw; our patient escapes into insanity when she feels suppressed. Pulsatilla is not particularly interested in sex, it is not a sexual remedy. Pulsatilla, especially with women, has a noticeably low sex drive and tends to be sexually repressed because of religious ideas. In comparison, the patient you just saw is very much sexually alive. In the context of this case, Pulsatilla would have handled the situation altogether differently.
Differentiation is clearly the means by which we find the appropriate remedy for a given case, therefore it is very important