
The Celle Seminars_Page 82

George Vithoulkas

you have the remedies at your disposal that will help strengthen her natural defenses. With proper treatment, which is dependent on repertorization, such a patient might one day be in the position to say, »Wait a moment, I’ve had enough! I don’t want this psychosis anymore!«
In this case, the patient’s symptomatology during a psychotic phase is really a secondary consideration. What is primarily important here are the causative factors that are being suppressed: suppression of anger and emotions, suppression of all those things which make a person feel alive inside. She is someone who is sensitive, who is sexually alive. She is neither emotionally dead, nor is she crazy. She is not one of the very strong sexual remedies, although she has to have some sort of sexual outlet.
After this analysis I’m sure that everyone has now found the remedy. What is the remedy? Again Pulsatilla} For a moment I also thought that the remedy was Pulsatilla, but then I noticed that I had ignored the details of the symptomatology. It is very interesting to see all the symptoms, how strong they are. I would recommend Staphisagria for her.
All her sympathy, her empathy with the world, made me think of Causticum. This sympathetic element in her, reflected in Caus-ticum, complements the action of Staphisagria. We have here a sensitivity different from that seen in Ignatia; she looks for contact whereas Ignatia would have acted altogether different. As Ignatia, she would have been able to stand on her own; she would have withdrawn from the world. The patient would have rejected human contact because experience would have shown her how disappointing such contacts can be. In that case, she would most likely have said to herself, »I don’t want any human contact.« This type of statement should make you think of Natrum muriaticum and Ignatia.
(A.l): Insanity is not the rubric.
(G.V.): Isn’t insanity the rubric? It’s actually a very big rubric. Over the years I have described the insanity of Staphisagria as I’ve witnessed it in situations almost identical to this one. Here we are faced with an accumulation of anger, a synthesis leading