
The Celle Seminars_Page 77

Celle Seminar I, Case 2: Insanity

(G. V.): That’s fine, thank you.
(G.V.): This is an excellent opportunity for exploring what might take place when we examine a case very superficially. It is said that a symptom demands the remedy that will enhance its characteristics. It might have been a bit difficult to understand what was going on in this case, but from the very beginning it was clear that some very strange things had been happening. I am, by nature, somebody who always wants to find out what is at the bottom of the problem, otherwise I would not have been interested in this kind of therapy to start with. Here we have a situation that we have to treat with homeopathic remedies, but these alone are not sufficient, because in this case you have to treat the family dynamics as well. It is up to you to try and understand what is behind her illness and to help the situation as much as you can. When you consider all her symptoms, you’ll see that this patient is suffering from acute psychotic crises. Therefore a remedy alone might not be enough. But this is a particularly interesting case because in the course of the interview it became obvious that the patient’s husband is quite sick as well. Let us try and understand the dynamics of this case a little more in depth. Here is a young woman, much younger than her husband who, at a certain point, was lonely and that’s why she became involved with this particular man. Their’s is a relationship based not so much on love as it is on loneliness. The man is very, very jealous and very suspicious. He tries to put a kind of shield around her so that she won’t be able to communicate with anyone but him. The woman feels this restriction, the pressure, and so she tries to build up other outlets, which he, in turn, tries to prevent. Their situation becomes more and more sad. She cannot communicate with others because of her husband’s insane jealousy. And so the woman has to become insane herself in order to be able to cope with her husband’s jealousy.