
The Celle Seminars_Page 63

Celle Seminar I, Case 2: Insanity

ed her reaction as worry; she didn’t want any kind of strangulation attempt to take place, regardless of who the victim might be. (D.): For example, my mother has always had an alarm clock, and sometimes when the alarm clock read five minutes to twelve, she would get this panicky feeling that these were the last five minutes before the end of the world or, more precisely, before a nuclear war. My mother feels that it is her responsibility to prevent something like this from happening.
(F.P.): I’ve heard this particular situation described before. I would like to add here that the fears people have about their illness are real ones, even though these may be overemphasized. I’m very frightened of the future, about how my life is going to continue, and because of this I’m constantly being pulled between thoughts of what I can actually achieve and what I am striving to achieve. I’m pulled between thoughts of failure and ability. Just being at home does not satisfy me. I’d like to do something for people, perhaps work in welfare services, or something like that, but I’m afraid of taking a step like that; I’m constantly afraid that I might fail.
(G. V.): I would like to hear from your husband and daughter about your behavior during a crisis. I would like you to leave the room, then you will come back and your husband and daughter will leave the room. Is this all right with you? (F.P.): Yes. (exits)
(G. V.): I would like you to describe how your wife behaves day-to-day, I mean, what is she like in a non-crisis period? What types of contacts does she have?
(H.): My wife is the type of person who likes to make contact with people. She likes to approach people and try and win them over. I would say that she is capable of establishing good, positive relationships. At least that is what she tries to do, and usually she succeeds.
(G.V.): That is not what I am asking. I’m asking about her be¬havior at home. Is she a normal person, or does she shout too much? Does she throw things around, or is she very passive? Is