
The Celle Seminars_Page 48

George Vithoulkas

suffered a second attack: One afternoon her children’s rabbit was killed by a dog, and that evening she had the attack. She began homeopathic treatment in 1986. Her physical complaints and weakness improved, as did her self-confidence. However, in May, 1986, she suffered a third attack. Subsequent attacks followed in April, 1988, and in January and February, 1989. These attacks could be arrested with Haloperidor’, which the patient had to take for approximately ten to twenty days. In between attacks, the patient became more and more self-confident; she ventured to find her own way, and tried not to rely as heavily on her husband as she had before. She even considered leaving her husband. The patient is in a manner of psychotherapy. When she tries to make serious decisions concerning her marriage, she goes into a psychotic state. The patient has had liver problems ever since the beginning of her marriage, and these problems are always aggravated after narcosis. She has had ten narcoses in her life, mostly administered for gynecological examinations. She had a brain concussion after an injury on her forehead sometime before she turned eight years old.
Description of attacks: Is in a panic, (she underlined this twice); feels responsible to wake up the whole world before it is destroyed by war; that’s why she has to hit the walls with power to alarm people, (3x). Responsibilities that she cannot fulfill create anxiety; for example, she doesn’t warm the bath water enough because of anxiety. Extreme feelings of hot and cold follow each other (3x). Desires hot baths (2x). Collects everything (2x). Has to write down everything (3x). Writes enormous quantities of little papers concerning God, the devil, and rescue of the world. Anger (3x), and then she is very sedate. Inappropriate laughter (3x). Gets very violent, breaks glasses, and sets the entire family in fear. Hallucinates voices talking to her (3x). Wild look. Ex¬treme restlessness. Runs around in the room (3x). The last attack began, in January, 1989, with a very wild state. Haloperidor’ had to be given, and the patient calmed down relatively fast. But about a month later, on February 20, the next attack started. The