
The Celle Seminars_Page 474

George Vithoulkas

and Lachesis. The Expert System couldn’t reach a decision, but you have to consider the following remedies: Nux vomica, Cicu-ta, Argentum nitricum, Natrum muriaticum, Cuprum, Ignatia, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, and Thea. So, I had this information and I said, »Okay, let’s stop the investigation.Can you tell me which of these remedies mentioned is the most probable in this case? Who says Cicuta? Why? Because in it we have the childish attitude, the childish behavior, and the convulsions. There is also the possibility of Bufo, which was not mentioned, as well as the possibility of Arnica. Baryta carbonica was not mentioned here. Arnica could be a good choice if we fail with the remedy we think is best for him. The best remedy for him would be Cicuta, with Arnica as a second possibility and Bufo as a third possibility.
(A.14): I have a question concerning the flat repertorization. Is it okay to consider all these symptoms, like urinating and biting the tongue, because these are very characteristic for grand mal epileptic seizures?
(G.V.): True, but the same symptoms were considered by the flat repertorization and the Expert System; you don’t change the symptoms.
(A. 15): Why are you in favor of Cicuta? The one remedy that really runs through all of the symptoms is Bufo.
(G.V.): Yes, the symptoms of the attacks can be covered by Bufo, but I was not happy with what I saw in him. I think the main thing was him becoming so childlike; I could not leave this element—it represented his general attitude—and just forget the causative factor and go towards Bufo. Moreover, we also have here a man who is experienced in sex and who has a wife. I would consider Bufo to be someone who is much more difficult and not capable of having human contact. These patients do not have the opportunity to build up a sexual contact because they are so difficult to get close to. If they do have the opportunity, then they act very aggressively during sex. For these reasons, the Bufo person resorts to masturbation in order to relieve his sexual energy in the only way availabi; to him. He didn’t seem to me to