Celle Seminar I, Case 18: Epilepsy
(G.V.): Then he cries? (Wife): Yes.
(G.V.): And when he is in that mood, does he like to be consoled? (Wife): He has to have consolation. But the rage has gotten better; at the beginning of our marriage he was so furious. (G.V.): Was he still under epileptic drugs at that time? (M.P.): Yes.
(Wife): He also always got very strong heart pains when he was in this rage of hitting and shouting.
(G.V.): I think I can tell you what will happen because we don’t have enough time to discuss this case thoroughly. When I inquired about his sexual life, he said that they did not have sex anymore, it doesn’t exist between them. They love each other and are tender towards one another, but there is no sexual contact. Upon inquiring, we find out that he is interested in other women—maybe he tried once or twice to get close to another woman. At any rate, things never went any further, although there is a sexual desire and he does masturbate. In putting this case into the language of the repertory, we have to consider thirty-one symptoms: clonic convulsions without consciousness; tumors, benign; shrieking before convulsions; froth at the mouth during convulsions; biting tongue; face pale; involuntary urination; ascending high aggravates; memory weakness; impulsive; shrieking, screaming, shouting; affectionate; desire for sour, acid, fish, juicy things, sweets, delicacies; sour perspiration or sour odor; worse from loss of sleep; irritability in the morning; convulsions, clonic from injuries in the head; warts on the hands; sleep position on left side impossible; sexual passion, wanting; stool hard then soft; thirst for small quantities often; anxiety about health; weakness of memory for words; convulsions throwing backwards. These are the symptoms that were considered in ordinary, flat repertorization: we found Sulphur, Phosphorus, Nux vomica, Calcarea, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla,