George Vithoulkas
car crash. The other dreams always came after taking Hypericum, LM 6 but this dream was after an LM 12 dose; I had it on October 15th, 1987. In this dream I am working at a lawyer’s office without getting paid. In the next scene, I am in a very old house in Berlin. I go up the stairs and stand in front of a green door—this dream was in color—I am where the stairs are, and there are three doors going to the left, to the right, and to the middle. I think that I’ve gone through the wrong door because in this room the lawyers are having a conference and I am interrupting. However, nobody is angry at me, and it is not an embarrassing situation. I apologize and go into my office, through the right door. I also developed a desire for dark beer after having taken Hypericum.
(G. V.): Do you still have this desire?
(M.P.): Yes. Before, I always drank wine, but now I don’t drink it anymore, only beer. (G.V.)-.Alot?
(M.P.): No, one bottle a day, not only in the evening, but also during the afternoon.
(G. V.): Can you tell us about his character? (Wife): He is very impulsive, direct, straightforward. It is a little bit difficult to describe.
(M.P.): We always play the game prince and princess, (laughs) (Wife): No, no, that’s not the game I play. (G. V.): Does he get very irritable sometimes? (Wife): Yes.
(G. V.): What does he do when he is irritable? (Wife): He starts to shout. He often loses control and then he even hits.
(G. V.): Does he swear? (Wife): No.
(G. V.): He shouts a lot and sometimes he hits? (M.P.): But then I’m always terribly sorry afterwards. (Wife): He is furious, but afterwards he feels very embarrassed and sorry and then he cries. (M.P.): I feel sorry because I lost control.